

Deposit Guarantee Schemes

EBA Opinion


EBA Guidelines


Guidelines (revised) on methods for calculating contributions to deposit guarantee schemes under Directive 2014/49/EU (EBA/GL/2023/02) repealing and replacing Guidelines EBA/GL/2015/10
FITD has implemented the EBA Guidelines on Risk-based Contributions and incorporated them into its model for calculating member banks' risk-based contributions, approved by the Bank of Italy according to the Banking Law.
The relevant regulations are contained in the Statute and in the Regulation on Risk-based Reporting and Contributions of FITD members.

EBA Final report - Guidelines on the delineation and reporting of available financial means (AFM) of Deposit Guarantee Schemes (DGS) (17 December 2021)
FITD has implemented the Guidelines on cooperation agreements between Deposit Guarantee Schemes to fulfill its reporting requirements under Article 40 of the Statute.

Guidelines on stress testing of deposit guarantee schemes under Directive 2014-49-EU (15 September 2021)
FITD has implemented the new EBA Guidelines on Stress Tests of Deposit Guarantee Schemes, with the decision of its Statutory bodies of 16 December 2021.

Guidelines on cooperation agreements between deposit guarantee schemes under Directive 2014-49-EU (EBA-GL-2016-02, 8 June 2016)
FITD has implemented the Guidelines on Cooperation agreements between Deposit Guarantee Schemes.

EBA Report


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